Build Confidence
Learn Self-Defense

 Train in the arts under our skilled instructors and live your best life NOW!

About Our Club

At our dojo, we truly believe that training is the beginning of self discovery, personal mastery, and a whole new you…because frankly, that has been the case for many of us.

Many people believe that martial arts is about fighting, but that is only partly true. We do train you to be able to protect yourself, but for hundreds of years, martial arts has been a means of self-discovery, self-improvement, and personal mastery.
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Our Programs


Confidence. Self-Discipline. Courage...
These are the foundations of early learning. We take
these things seriously and provide a Positive &
Encouraging environment to guide your children to their more confident selves.
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Our adult martial arts program is designed to help you defend yourself and get in shape. In addition, martial arts helps to keep the mind sharp and focused at work, at home, and in social situations.
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If you are like many other families in the local area, then you probably take your kids to sporting events where you don’t get to participate. This is different!
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Black Belt+

Many people view getting their blackbelt as an end in itself. While it is quite an accomplishment, getting your blackbelt is really only the beginning.
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Take this martial arts thing for a free test drive! Visit us, meet our instructors, tour our facilities, and even take an introductory class!
Schedule Me!

What Our Students Say

"Master Splinter's training was rad, but it wasn't until training at the dojo that I received true enlightenment!"


"I've always liked training with my brothers, but sometimes it's good to train with new people and the people at the dojo are great!"


"Sitting in front of the computer for so long really starts to curve the lower shell! I've lost a lot of weight since getting back to training at the dojo!"


Open Hours

Mon - Thur: 9AM - 5PM
Fri - Sat: 10AM - 3PM
Sun: 10AM - 1PM


123 Main St., YourTown, ST 12345


Telephone: 555-555-5555

© 2018 YOUR DOJO. All Rights Reserved. ● Developed by Martial Arts Website Design, A Division of Blue Phoenix Creative

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